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Frankie's Story asks Kate Ellis 5 Tips for Now.
Light and Smoke I wake earlier these morning. It's dark at 4am; and the quiet I have always loved to write in seems very noisy.
I move to my kitchen and light a stick of Santo Palo.
As I use my breath to fuel the reddened embers and note the steady stream of fluid smoke lifting.... I take a turn about my house and name what I so fortunate to have.
'Couch = rest.....' 'Fridge = nourishment....' 'Balcony = access .... to the outdoors...'
when i come to my bed I note a creeping desire . 'Bed = passion.... touch..... sex.....' this not the actual state of things at this time for me as a single woman. But i let the smoke tussle with the folds of my sheets.It is good to think on 'one day'. I am not defeatist. I believe in future. |